Columns by Dan Marinucci
Critical challenges facing auto service providers have persisted for decades simply because solving these problems is difficult rather than easy.
Placing a personalized thank you card inside each vehicle boosts customer loyalty in a practical, cost-effective way.
Courtesy calls create golden opportunities to exceed motorists' expectations of an automotive service facility.
Auto shops can boost customer loyalty and expectations with a little tidying up.
A free breakfast is not and cannot be a cure-all for problems at your auto service facility. Surely, however, it merits some consideration.
Taking practical precautions prevents problems when servicing common cartridge-style oil filters.
A neat and tidy oil change should be the rule rather than the exception at every automotive service facility.
Dumping too much work — not to mention highly challenging jobs — onto inexperienced techs may overwhelm them.
Unless tire dealers and service shop operators generate adequate income, they cannot offer competitive pay and benefits to prospective new hires.
A fan, specialized creeper and ample work space speed up potentially tedious repairs under a vehicle's dashboard.