Some owners of 2014-17 Chevrolet SS or 2014-20 Corvette models may complain of an annoying squeal or squeak from the front brakes under light pedal application at speeds below 10 mph.
According to GM, the noise usually occurs after an overnight soak in high humidity conditions, then tends to slowly dissipate after the brakes are applied a few times at highway speeds. The car maker attributes the noise to the brake pads oscillating in the caliper bracket coupled with moisture intrusion into the pad friction material.
Applying a new copper-based brake paste, part #19303310, to the abutment areas of the brake pads where they contact the caliper bracket should eliminate the condition. Start the fix by removing the front brake pads. Now clean the abutment areas of the pads and caliper brackets with a suitable brake cleaner. Using the illustration for reference, apply the brake paste to each end of the brake pad backing plate in the areas indicated. Use a fair amount of the paste, but make sure it doesn't migrate on to the friction material. On SS models, remove the brake pad shims and apply the paste to the undersides of the shims before reinstalling on to the pads. To complete the procedure, reinstall the front brake pads.
Notes: Although the brake noise typically comes from the front brakes, GM recommends applying the brake paste to the rear pads as well. Follow the steps outlined above. Always use the new paste whenever installing fresh brake pads on the vehicle.