AKRON — The Tire Society is converting its 39th annual Tire Science & Technology Meeting to a virtual event and has rescheduled it for Sept. 28-Oct. 2, because of concerns about holding an in-person event during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition, the Tire Society disclosed that Chris Helsel, senior vice president and chief technology officer for Goodyear, will be the keynote speaker for the event, scheduled originally for Sept. 9-10 in Fairlawn, Ohio. The conference theme is "Intelligent Transportation."
The Tire Society — whose declared mission is to disseminate knowledge and stimulate the innovation of tires as it pertains to tire science, engineering and technology — has not disclosed the topic of Mr. Helsel's presentation or when it will take place.
The group is planning to have two to four hours of live programming, starting at 8 a.m. each day. The content will be available for viewing by conference registrants for up to a week after presentations are given, the Tire Society said.
In addition to the technical paper presentations and panel discussions, the event also will include a plenary lecture, to be delivered by Giorgio Rizzoni, a professor at Ohio State University and Ford Motor Co. Chair in Electromechanical Systems.
Because the event has been moved to a later date, the group has extended the deadline for submitting abstracts until July 31.
The group also is discounting the conference fee. Registration fees are:
- Regular members — $120 through Aug. 15; $180 thereafter;
- Student and retired members — $40 through Aug. 15; $100 thereafter; and
- Non-members — $250 through Aug. 15; $310 thereafter (registration fee includes a society membership and access to online journal).
The Tire Society said it anticipates attracting a broader, more international audience since delegates don't have to travel to Akron for the event.
To register or for more information, visit tiresociety.org/conference.