CAMBRIDGE, Ontario — Early bird registration closes July 28 for the Tire and Rubber Association of Canada's (TRAC) 2023 Rubber Recycling Symposium, scheduled for Oct. 4-5 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, at the at the Lord Nelson Hotel.
The symposium sessions will focus on global legislative challenges to end-of-life tire (ELT) management, tire manufacturers' drive to sustainability, emerging technologies and challenges in tire and rubber recycling, extended producer responsibility models across Canada, market development opportunities for ELT, as well as a CEO panel.
TRAC said information including preliminary program-at-a-glance, details about individual registrations, hotel booking and sponsor and exhibitor opportunities can be found at the main event web page.
TRAC said the symposium "draws an international audience of key industry players and creates a meeting place where industry leaders can participate in thought-provoking panels and ample networking opportunities, while working toward the cooperative development of an environmentally sustainable industry."
Questions can be directed via email to Michal Majernik at [email protected].