LEESBURG, Va. — The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) has extended certifications for service professionals with certifications that expire Dec. 31.
According to the ASE, those with automobile certifications (A1-A9) can acquire a one-time, one-year extension of their unexpired credentials by subscribing to the ASE renewal app.
The app will send each subscriber one question, per test, per month that the user may answer anywhere on a smart phone, tablet or computer. After answering eight monthly questions correctly, per test, an additional year extension will be earned beyond the app sign-up bonus.
In order to receive the extension, service professionals must subscribe to the ASE renewal app. In order to subscribe, professionals should create an account at ASErenewalApp.com, download the app from the app store or play store, and sign in with account credentials.
For more information, visit ASERenewalApp.com and ase.com/News-Events/Extension.aspx.
Those holding any other non-automobile ASE certifications that expire on Dec. 31 will have their certifications extended automatically until June 30, 2021.
Most Prometric test centers are open, with closures only in areas as regulated by the local agencies. The ASE encourages professionals who have signed up for tests to review the test center safety update for the latest information about safety measures taken at the test centers.