LAS VEGAS — Hunter Engineering Co. has introduced its next-generation drive-over tire tread-depth measuring tool, Quick Tread Edge.
Quick Tread Edge provides detailed tire condition diagnosis in less time and with added edge-wear detection, giving a greater analysis of overall tire condition, the company said. Service providers can now identify tire wear better on the edge of every tire, while providing customers with informative, in-depth inspection results, the company said.
"When a vehicle is moving, a worn edge is actually in contact with the road and cannot shed water during wet conditions, resulting in a loss of traction," Hunter Product Manager Alex Smith said.
"A worn inner-edge may be invisible to advisers on the service drive, making automatic edge-wear detection a critical piece in providing a complete summary of a tire's overall tread depth."
Quick Tread Edge can be installed as a stand-alone unit with two mounting options or integrated in a flush-mount configuration with Hunter's touchless alignment inspection system, Quick Check Drive.
Both systems are connected with Hunter's online business intelligence tool, HunterNet, which displays digital inspection findings through Flightboard, allowing customers to see their results.