CINCINNATI — The Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA) has added Hankook-brand tires to its tire savings program, which offers members of the recreational vehicle (RV) owners' group discounted rates on RV, light truck and passenger tires.
The FMCA program already offers special rates on Michelin-brand motorhome, light truck and passenger tires from Michelin and Continental-brand RV tires.
Members can buy tires at the program price at any participating commercial Michelin, Continental, or Hankook RV tire dealer across the U.S., the FMCA said.
"Countless FMCA members have shared with us how they have saved significant sums of money when purchasing tires from the current providers, and it's nice to provide another option," FMCA President Jon Walker said.
Hankook noted its discounts are being offered through a "Hankook Travelers Club."
For more information about the FMCA Tire Savings Program, visit, or call 800-543-3622.
Cincinnati-based FMCA, an international organization for families who own self-contained recreation vehicles, has more than 75,000 active member families.