INDIANAPOLIS — The Indiana House of Representatives has passed a bill by an 80-15 vote that forbids any tire or auto service business from installing "unsafe" used tires on vehicles.
Indiana House Bill 1774 has bipartisan support in the Indiana legislature, according to the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (USTMA), which sponsored the bill.
It is not yet certain when the Indiana Senate will take up the bill, but a USTMA spokesman said the association hopes it will be as soon as possible. The Indiana Legislature adjourns March 14.
"Indiana motorists are one step closer to safer travel on the roadways," USTMA President and CEO Anne Forristall Luke said.
"This legislation is a common-sense approach to reduce the risk posed by worn-out, damaged or improperly repaired used tires," Ms. Luke said.
Under H.B. 1774, used tires may not be sold as road tires if they have less than 2/32nd-inch tread depth; damage that exposes steel belts or other internal components; improper repairs; or bulges that indicate possible internal damage.
A USTMA-sponsored used tire bill became law in New Jersey last year. The Ohio Senate passed another such bill in December 2017, and the Ohio House will consider that bill the week of Jan. 29.