PROVIDENCE, N.J. — Commercial trailer producer CIMC USA Inc. is venturing into the tire and retread business in partnership with China's Zhongce Rubber Group Co. Ltd. (ZC Rubber).
The new venture, Providence-based CIMC Commercial Tire (CIMC-CT), is focused on supplying the intermodal trucking sector with both new tires and retreads, according to Pat Gunn, the venture's CEO.
The company has established a precure retread facility in Providence capable of producing up to 70,000 units per shift, Mr. Gunn said, and is planning to add a pair of facilities in 2018 and open two more in 2019.
Monon, Ind.-based CIMC USA is a subsidiary of China International Marine Containers Ltd., which describes itself as the leading manufacturer of intermodal chassis, trailers and semi-trailers in the world, with annual production capacity exceeding 200,000 units.
The venture sees its primary purpose as producing retreads that meet "rigorous demands" that intermodal operations face.
Among these usage challenges, Mr. Gunn said, are high scrub, lateral sliding and dragging, curbing, inconsistent operating surface conditions, brake lock and abuse.
In addition, the "chassis rental and pool nature" of the business present ongoing maintenance challenges and lifecycle implications, he added, including shoulder and rib tearing and cutting, tread block cracking, flat spotting due to excessive brake application, uneven and irregular wear, penetration and drilling due to undertread specifications.