LAS VEGAS — Mann+Hummel has introduced a smart air filter monitor, Senzit, that monitors a vehicle's air filter status.
Senzit will deliver a new level of connectivity across vehicle types and brands with a central portal to reduce downtime and repair costs, the company said.
"Through our collaboration with the exceptional engineering team at WIX Filters, we were able to bring this innovative new product to market," said Charles Vaillant, group vice president technology at MANN+HUMMEL, parent company of WIX Filters.
"Fleet managers who were part of our test already have provided positive reactions, affirming ease of use and cost savings without sacrificing the quality and performance for which WIX Filters are known."
Senzit is the next generation in vehicle maintenance, the company claimed, where operators, mechanics and heavy-duty fleet managers no longer need to physically inspect an air filter to determine its condition.
Senzit will monitor, in real-time, the air filter status for each individual piece of equipment to reduce unnecessary filter maintenance, the company said.
"Being first-to-market in smart technology for filter monitoring is a continuation of our commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction," said Donald Chilton, director of product management for WIX. "Senzit is a Jack-of-all-trades. It tracks engine hours, provides air filter condition, updates on filter life and GPS location. It's an amazing product that lets you know exactly how many hours are remaining on your air filter, especially when mileage is not always a reliable indicator of engine usage."
The device tracks operating engine hours of each connected vehicle. Senzit can measure and electronically report information so users will be able to better predict maintenance and plan downtime.
Senzit also includes GPS technology to help users track their equipment, allowing them to view last known location, history of the equipment's location and activities, and even aide in theft recovery situations, the company said.
The device mounts to the air filter housing to collect data and the cellular network to transmit the data to the cloud. With this flexibility to connect nearly any vehicle to the cloud, even the older vehicles can be monitored in real-time, the company said.
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