FAIRLAWN, Ohio — Continental A.G.'s ContiTech unit is upgrading its Elite Rewards Program Member (RPM) Club in Canada by offering improved features for repair technicians and distributor counterpersons.
It is the same program offered in the U.S., but Conti has added the distributor counterperson to the Canadian program.
Both programs offer rewards for redemption of proofs-of-purchase for Continential Elite products.
"We will continue using the club to engage professional repair technicians and distributor counterpersons who use our product," said Dave Wenger, marketing manager for Continental's North American automotive aftermarket products.
"Through our new social media channels, and even in the structure of the Club itself, it will be easy for our members to be in direct contact with us. We hope to further engage the membership as part of the Continental community."
The new club offers a cloud-based application, allowing user access through a smartphone.
Mr. Wenger said engaging members who use Elite-branded products is important to the company.
"They're the core of our business," he said. "They also are our link to the consumer. We want to know what's on their minds."
The Elite RPM Club gives members rewards for points as well as quarterly program enhancements, special promotions and access to a larger pool of merchandise reward choices.
Training will be available soon.
ContiTech began branding its range of automotive aftermarket products — including aftermarket timing products, hoses and related accessories —with an "Elite" label in late 2015 to help differentiate them in the marketplace.
For more details on the club, including promotions and current reward items, go to rpmclub.ca.