Owners of 2001 2.4-liter Sonata and Santa Fe models may complain that their engine runs rough and/or has a lumpy idle. In most cases, the check engine light will be illuminated with trouble code P0335 stored in PCM memory.
One likely cause, says Hyundai, is the exhaust camshaft jumping time. Slack in the timing belt is the ultimate culprit. Installing a new-design upper timing belt cover with a built-in belt guide, part No. 21360-38214-D, should eliminate further problems.
"Factory Fixes" is written by Jim DePalma, a 30-year veteran of the auto repair business who has served stints as a service manager, parts manager and ASE-certified technician. His column provides vehicle manufacturers' authentic factory technical service bulletins (TSBs) that have been condensed for easier reading. Mr. DePalma advises that techs always check with a dealer or repair information system for the latest revisions before starting to work on a vehicle. He can be reached via e-mail at [email protected].