DENVER (Jan. 10, 2017) — The Automotive Service Association (ASA) has scheduled its 2017 annual business meeting for April 24-26 at the Magnolia Hotel in Denver.
The event will kick off April 24 with a welcome reception, and an open board meeting will be held afternoon of April 25, the ASA said. A luncheon will precede the meeting, which will feature the swearing-in of the 2017-2018 ASA board of directors.
A recognition dinner, by invitation only, will follow the board meeting, the ASA said.
On the morning of April 26, the Mechanical and Collision Operation Committees will meet, as will the Automotive Management Institute board of directors. A group event will end the meeting.
The registration fee is $99.95, which will cover the cost of the April 24 reception and April 25 luncheon, the ASA said. Attendees are responsible for their own accommodations and travel.
Further details about the meeting will be posted soon at