ORLANDO, Fla. (Oct. 7, 2016) — A new study from AAA Inc. estimates that American drivers wasted more than $2.1 billion using premium gasoline in cars that run on regular fuel.
According to figures recently released by the AAA, 16.5 million drivers across the U.S. choose to use premium gasoline in spite of the vehicle manufacturer's recommendation. The organization examined whether this practice would offer benefits to drivers of vehicles requiring regular fuel, and found that none were offered in areas such as vehicle performance, fuel economy and emissions.
“Drivers see the ‘premium' name at the pump and may assume the fuel is better for their vehicle,” said John Nielsen, AAA's managing director of Automotive Engineering and Repair.
“AAA cautions drivers that premium gasoline is higher octane, not higher quality, and urges drivers to follow the owner's manual recommendations for their vehicle's fuel.”