QUEBEC CITY, Quebec (June 15, 2016) — The number of Point S-branded retail outlets in North America should hit 350 by year-end, putting the retail tire and auto service program franchisor on target to become the third largest independent tire dealer network in America by 2020.
That's the message delivered by Fabien Bouquet, CEO of Point S International and Point S North America, at the Point S Canada Congress held June 1-2 in Quebec.
Lyon, France-based Point S is allied with Tire Factory Group in the U.S. and Pneu Unimax in Canada.
Mr. Bouquet noted that together, the number of Unimax and Tire Factory Group members who have rebranded in the first full year of their alliance stands at 290 and that they expect up to 60 more to rebrand yet this year.
Together, Unimax and Tire Factory Group represent 800 retail locations.
“…we are glad to see that our banner is so well represented on the American continent,” Mr. Bouquet said.
The franchise groups have adopted a common consumer advertising/promotion theme, “No Stress, with Point S.”