SOUTH BEND, Ind. (May 31, 2016) — Online and mail order marketer Tire Rack Inc. has teamed with Michelin North America Inc. for National Tire Safety Week, May 29-June 4.
The dual campaign includes video and online content as well as social media outreach, according to Tire Rack Vice President Matt Edmonds.
“To be truly safe on the road, drivers need more than functioning brakes and properly worn seatbelts,” Mr. Edmonds said. “Proper tire maintenance can help drivers prevent accidents before they even occur.”
National Tire Safety Week is part of the Rubber Manufacturers Association's ongoing “Be Tire Smart—Play Your P.A.R.T.” safety program. “P.A.R.T.,” the Tire Rack release said, stands for Pressure, Alignment, Rotation and Tread.
South Bend-based Tire Rack, which calls itself the nation's largest independent tire tester and consumer-direct source of tires, has a team of more than 100 test drivers that tests tires from every major manufacturer at the company's state-of-the-art test site, according to a Tire Rack press release. The company then posts the results on its website for the information of customers.
Tire Rack's tire safety information content can be found by clicking here.