ROCKLAND, Mass. (May 2, 2016) — Yokohama Tire Corp. (YTC) and Sullivan Tire Co. are teaming up to build an eco-friendly playground at Hartsuff Park in Rockland, Mass., this summer.
YTC identified the town as the site for the one-day build as part of its partnership commitment with KaBOOM!, a national non-profit organization.
YTC and KaBOOM! — along with Sullivan Tire, the Rockland Park Department, Town of Rockland; Play Areas for Rockland Kids (P.A.R.K.) and about 200 volunteers from the community — will erect the playground June 25.
“We're honored to work with Paul Sullivan and the Sullivan Tire team on this playground build, which will bring kids in Rockland a fun, safe place to play,” said Alan Holtschneider, director of marketing for Yokohama. “Sullivan Tire has been a fixture in the area for more than 60 years and is known for constantly giving back to the community. This new playground will benefit kids and their families for years to come.”