ARLINGTON, Va. (March 18, 2016) — The Automotive Service Association (ASA) has scheduled its annual business meeting for April 25-27 at the Westin Crystal City Hotel in Arlington.
The event will kick off with a welcome reception the evening of Friday, April 25, followed by an open board meeting the morning of Saturday, April 26, the ASA said. Following the meeting will be a recognition luncheon and the swearing-in of the 2016-2017 board of directors.
ASA President/Executive Director Dan Risley will deliver a state-of-the-association address at the luncheon, according to the ASA. The meeting will end Sunday, April 27 with Lobby Day, during which ASA members will have an opportunity to visit congressional offices and attend Capitol Hill briefings.
The registration fee for the annual meeting is $99.95, which covers all events, the ASA said. For registration forms and housing information, visit the association's website.