WASHINGTON (July 30, 2015) — The U.S. Senate passed a long-term federal highway bill July 30, by a 65-34 bipartisan vote.
The legislation includes tire-related provisions advocated by the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA), but no further action on the bill can take place until after Labor Day when the U.S. House of Representatives reconvenes.
The House and Senate did pass a separate short-term measure to extend current highway infrastructure programs until Oct. 31. It will be sent to President Barack Obama for approval.
The bill as passed by the Senate includes provisions covering:
- A requirement that tire sellers register tires at point of sale;
- Minimum tire performance standards for fuel efficiency and wet traction; and
- A requirement that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) establish a Web-based tire recall lookup tool based on the Tire Identification Number (TIN).
The Tire Industry Association (TIA) opposes the mandatory registration provision and has vowed to fight to get it removed from the bill.
The measure passed by the Senate carries a value of $350 billion over a six-year period.