By Miles Moore, Senior Washington Reporter
WIESBADEN, Germany (July 21, 2015) — Scientists from the Tire Division of Continental A.G. and two biotechnology research institutes won the Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize for their research into commercialization of the rubber from the Taraxacum kok-saghyz (TKS) dandelion.
The prize was presented June 16 in Wiesbaden. Carla Rucker of Conti was a recipient, as were Dirk Prufer and Christian Schulze Gronover of the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology and the Institute for Plant Biology and Biotechnology of the University of Munster.
Ms. Rucker and Messrs. Prufer and Gronover are the leading scientists collaborating on an ongoing project, “RUBIN — Industrial Emergence of Natural Rubber from Dandelions.”
The specific goal of RUBIN is the development of passenger tire prototypes from rubber extracted from TKS, which is also known as the Russian dandelion.