AKRON (March 4, 2014) — Have you read something in Tire Business or on tirebusiness.com that really struck a nerve?
Sure you have.
Do you have an opinion on issues that affect the tire industry? Why, sure you do. How many times have you finished reading an article and thought, “I should write ‘em what I think about that”?
Expressing your opinion so that the rest of your industry colleagues can read what you think is as easy as dropping a line to Tire Business. We encourage letters to the editor on any subject of interest to independent tire dealers, retreaders and even tire manufacturer execs.
You can do that the old-fashioned snail mail way by sending a letter to: Editor, Tire Business, 1725 Merriman Road, Suite 300, Akron, Ohio 44313-5283. You also can fax it to 330-836-2831.
Or you can simply fire off an email to [email protected].
Letters must be signed and may be edited for brevity and clarity. Oh…and include a daytime phone number where we can reach you for verification purposes. Also let us know your title, the official name of the company where you work, and the city and state where it's located.
Don't forget, you also can comment on individual stories posted on our website. There's a spot at the bottom of each article where you can do that.
If you've got something that's been nagging at you, it's time to get it off your back. Let us — and the rest of the industry — know what you think. Consider it cheap therapy…you'll feel a lot better and it won't cost you a thing (except, of course, the cost of a stamp if you're snail-mailing a letter to us).
So drop us a line at [email protected].