WASHINGTON (Jan. 28, 2015) — The New England Patriots' “Deflate-Gate” scandal has provided a handy metaphor for tire safety.
An official of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) used the controversy — over alleged deflated footballs in the playoff game pitting the Patriots against the Indianapolis Colts on Jan. 18 — for a blog posted on the NTSB's website.
“Every football junkie now knows (and neither knew nor cared to know before Jan. 19) that footballs should be inflated to between 12.5 and 13.5 pounds per square inch,” wrote Don Karol, director of the NTSB's Office of Highway Safety, in a Jan. 23 entry on the agency's official “Safety Compass” blog.
“Planning a party for hardcore fans?” Mr. Karol wrote. “Ask them what the NFL found out about the footballs in ‘Deflate-Gate.' They'll probably tell you without missing a beat that 11 of 12 balls were underinflated by two pounds per square inch.