By Nancy Friedman
ST. LOUIS (Oct. 10, 2014) — What type of theater experience have you had?
Why do I ask you that question?
Because if you have ever been on stage in a play, part of a band, chorus, dance group, stage manager, grip, sound, prompter, make up, lighting, director, or any form of theater where the audience and other co-workers are depending on you, then you probably already know the answer to why I ask.
And you probably have a great background for customer service!
I have a professional theater background and it has helped my career thrive immensely in the customer service arena. Now, it doesn't mean if you don't have a theater background you won't be good in customer service. It just means you'll understand the mentality of customer service faster — and perhaps better.
“Theater 101,” as I call it, is a perfect pre-curser to being in customer service. It prepares you in the best way for all these topics and many more. Actually, I fibbed; there are more than 11 skills. That's a good thing though. Here they are.
• Interacting with others.
• Being on time.
• Knowing priorities.
• Learning how to say something even when you forget your lines.
• Knowing how to have a phony smile even when you don't want to.
• Understanding your problems are just that — your problems.
• Learning to work well with others, even if you don't like them.
• Understanding how it all “comes together.”
• Helping others when they forget or don't know what to say.
• Learning the “show must go on” mentality.
• Learning how to read a script without sounding like it.
• Knowing the applause is for everyone.
• No complaining!
• Keeping your lines sounding fresh — no matter how many times you've said them.
• Getting it right “the first time.”
• Practice, practice and more practice.
• Learning to go with the flow.