AKRON—The Tire Business staff has returned from Orlando, Fla., with a plethora of information from industry experts on changing trends in the tire market and how tire dealers and auto service technicians can up their game to improve profits.
The Sept. 15 issue of Tire Business will feature articles on the panel discussions, seminars and dealer interviews during the ITEC Tire Dealers/Auto Service show in Orlando, held Aug. 20-22. Here is a preview of some of the topics—by way of a sampling of the Twitter feeds from staff and attendees during the show:
Tire Business @tirebusiness: Younger generations trust #online reviews over friend/family word of mouth. -Winslow #ITEC2014
Editor/V.P./Publisher David Zielasko @TBDZ: Lots of real world discussion happening at Young Tire Dealers Panel #ITEC2014
Managing Editor Sigmund J. Mikolajczyk @sigmikolajczyk: Prez/CEO panel #ITEC2014: @Falken's Rich Smallwood said US consumers spend more on sneakers than tires; rarely do lives rely on sneakers.
Online Manager Alaina Scott @alainaescott: Match content and keywords for your site. #SEO #tips @ARI_Net #ITEC2014
Reporter Kathy McCarron @kmccarr: Thinking of retiring someday? Start planning now, it takes years to transition ownership of a tire dealership. #itec2014 #ITEC2014 Chris Welty of @Bridgestone to dealers: #runflat market growing-embrace the technology and educate customers so not afraid of it.
Reporter Jennifer Karpus @jenniferkarpus: We are a single outlet and have an employee dedicate 3-6 hours a week to #socialmedia. -Alpio Barbara, Redwood General Tire #ITEC2014 Look to see who are big influencers in #socialmedia in your area and reach out to them as a business. -@markketing
The Hybrid Shop @TheHybridShop: 3 takeaways from #ITEC2014 you can use TODAY: 1) sell tire packages 2) leverage video, i.e. YouTube 3) Customer Service is KING
Ask Patty @askpatty: #ITEC2014 @tonymolla and @ASETestPrep1 with Jody Devere #Selfie
Key Motive @KeyMotive:3 takeaways from #ITEC2014 you can use TODAY: 1) sell tire packages 2) leverage video, i.e. YouTube 3) Customer Service is KING
Correa Tire @CorreaTire: @ITEC_automotive Excellent #seminars and topics were very updated! AAA+ @tirebusiness #ITEC2014 #tires
Mark Gillard @markketing: “Internet is a gift from the Gods!” -Tomo President of @toyotires #ITECeducates