NOVA PRATA, Brazil (May 27, 2014) — Tire retreader Vipal Rubber Corp. recently invited David Stevens, managing director of the Tire Retread & Repair Information Bureau (TRIB), to Brazil to meet with tire retreading institutions from a number of Latin American companies in an effort to look “for ways to improve the sector.”
The Falls Church, Va.-based TRIB executive had the opportunity to visit Vipal's facilities in Nova Prata (State of Rio Grande do Sul) and Feira de Santana (State of Bahia), as well as stop by the company's booth at the PneuShow-Recaufair tire fair in São Paulo, according to Vipal.
Mr. Stevens thanked the company for the invitation to visit Brazil, according to a Vipal press release, saying that “it was very beneficial to see Vipal's operations first hand. I was very impressed by everything.” He noted that as a U.S.-based tire retreading organization, TRIB is responsible “for establishing a dialogue between the tire production industry, tire retreaders and equipment manufacturers.”