WASHINGTON (March 27, 2014) — Several trade and political groups, including the Tire Industry Association (TIA), are supporting “marketplace fairness” legislation that would require online retailers to collect sales taxes for every state to which they ship goods.
Other supporters include the National Governors Association (NGA) and other retail associations.
Despite the bill's having passed the Senate last spring, the chairman of the House committee with oversight over the bill said he believes the legislation creates more problems than it solves.
The legislation—S. 743—known as the Marketplace Fairness Act, would overturn a 1992 Supreme Court ruling that forbids states from collecting taxes from companies that don't have a physical presence in those states.
The bill enjoys broad support both from state legislatures that claim they lose $23 billion in taxes every year from Internet sales, and from traditional retailers who say the tax situation gives Internet merchants an unfair advantage.
S. 743 passed the Senate in May 2013 by a 69-27 vote. In advance of a March 12, 2014, hearing on solutions to Internet sales tax issues before the House Judiciary Committee, the NGA reiterated its long-standing support for the bill.