Kal Tire said the following criteria make all-weather tires different:
Slush performance. All-weather tires prevent hydroplaning and slush-planing with an aggressive tread pattern and siping (hairline slits in the tread). Polished grooves and slush edges also help push away water and slush.
Flexible compound for every forecast. The tires' compound contains more natural rubber as well as canola oil and silica to stay soft at temperatures above and below 7 C. That means superior stability and grip on everything from bare asphalt to fresh snow. All-weather tires bear the designated mountain snowflake winter tire symbol so drivers know they've passed requirements to be considered safe for severe winter conditions.
Precise braking. All-weather tires stop almost instantly on wet roads at any temperature, the dealership noted. All-season tires, however, can take up to 30 meters longer to stop on smooth ice, even at just -1 C, where thin layers of water make the road slippery.
Savings. The more easily a tire rolls, drivers the less fuel is consumed and the tires emit less CO2. Plus, with all-weather tires, drivers don't have to worry about season changeover fees or the extra expense and hassle of buying and storing a second set of tires, Kal Tire said.
All-weather tires employ a range of innovations to offer first-class safety and economy—qualities likely to be appealing to survey respondents who normally wouldn't buy winter tires, the company added.
According to Kal Tire's survey of Canadian vehicle owners in, respectively, British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario, those not planning to use winter tires this season were 47 percent; 52 percent; and 40 percent. Vehicle owners considering all-weather tires for their next tire purchase totaled 64 percent, with the regional breakdown at 67 percent; 69 percent; and 62 percent.
In other regional findings:
•Alberta drivers were the least likely to use winter tires, with 52 percent saying they weren't planning to use winter tires this season;
•Ontario has the highest percentage of drivers using winter tires, at 60 percent; and
•Alberta had the highest percentage of drivers considering all-weather tires for their next tire purchase.
"We're glad that more than half the people told us they plan on using winter tires this season," Mr. Hull said. "However, there is still work to be done to ensure people are driving safely in a variety of weather conditions. All it takes is a little slush and a slight drop in temperature to -1 C to create dangerous driving conditions that all-season tires can't handle."
Kal Tire operates more than 240 retail and commercial outlets and 10 truck tire retread facilities across Canada plus an additional four earthmover retreading facilities in Canada, the United Kingdom and Ghana, West Africa. The company has more than 5,400 employees.
For a video with Michael Kinghorn, Kal Tire product specialist, explaining the difference between all-weather and all-season tires, click here.