HUNTERSVILE, N.C.—American Tire Distributors Holdings Inc.'s (ATD) Tire Pros franchise unit has opened "Tread Town" inclusive playgrounds in Pasco, Wash., and Massillon, Ohio, supported by local Tire Pros affiliates Tri-Cities Battery Inc. and Discount Tire Outlet Tire Pros, respectively.
The playgrounds, designed by Boundless Playgrounds to allow children with and without disabilities to play together, are the sixth and seventh such installations Tire Pros and its local dealership partners have opened in the past couple of years.
The Tire Pros-sponsored Tread Town parks take the Boundless Playground design one step further, using recycled rubber from approximately 400 scrapped tires for the foundation for each playground. This type foundation creates a universally accessible surface that allows children and care-givers with and without disabilities to navigate freely and safely, ATD said.
Tread Towns also feature a specially designed tire swing with state-of-the art solid harnesses for children who need additional back support, along with other cutting-edge fitness and educational-based activities.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are nearly 7 million children nationwide who have a disability that prohibits them from enjoying the full experience of a traditional community play-ground, ATD said.
"Tread Town playgrounds provide safe, positive places for all children to play, learn and thrive," said Dan Brown, president of Tire Pros.
Tri-Cities Battery operates Tire Pros outlets in Kennewick, Pasco and Richland, Wash. Founded in 1971 by Dale Johnson, the business is run today by Gerald and Pat Johnson (second generation) and their sons Brandon, Derek and Adam (third generation), according to the dealership's website.
ATD/Tire Pros and Tri-Cities held a grand opening for the Tread Town in Pasco's Memorial Park on Sept. 25, while the Massillon playground opened Sept. 19 in that city's Reservoir Park. In Massillon, Tire Pros donated $50,000 to supplement a $150,000 county park grant secured by Stark County.
Discount Tire Outlet Tire Pros is a single-outlet dealership that's been serving the Massillon community since 1981.
The other Tread Towns are located in Lakewood, Calif.; Jackson, Miss.; Savannah, Ga.; Memphis, Tenn.; and Hun-tersville, N.C., where ATD is based. The distributor put its investment in the two playgrounds at $100,000, with local partners contributing as well.