How to enter: Send your best Halloween photo to Tire Business' Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or email [email protected]. Deadline has been extended to Nov. 14. Winner to be announced Nov. 15.
AKRON (Oct. 24, 2013) — The gremlins are out and about in the Tire Business office! We have accidentally been sending out a broken link through our social media sites explaining our Halloween photo contest.
No worries. We tracked their taunting giggles and were able to get them under control. However, we have decided to extend the contest to make sure everyone has a chance to participate!
Whether you want to share your favorite Halloween costume from the past, show off your little bundle of joy—either your child or your pet—or simply share some creative Halloween décor, we want to see it.
Submissions must be turned in by Nov. 14, with the best photo to be announced on Nov. 15. Since the winner rocked Halloween, he or she will win a $25 cash prize to help them prep for their next holiday extravaganza.
If you have any questions, contact Jennifer Karpus at 330-865-6143 or via email at [email protected].