"(Mr.) Lee is uniquely qualified to spearhead Centric's research into developing environmentally friendly and sustainable alternatives."
Mr. Lee said copper has been the "primary substrate used in friction materials" because of its "unique structure and makeup" and is used to "improve the dissipation of thermal energy, helping prevent fade as brake temperatures go up."
He continued, "The goal is to find a suitable replacement formulation that will improve friction performance characteristics over a wide range of driving conditions — providing stable µ, consistent pedal, improved pad and rotor life, and low NVH."
Mr. Lee earned bachelors, masters and doctorate degrees from Southern Illinois University (SIU), Centric Parts said, and has 15 years of research work at SIU's Center for Advanced Friction Studies.
While at SIU, Mr. Lee was responsible for research and development of phenolic bonded friction materials for automotive applications, as well as carbon-carbon composite friction materials for aerospace and auto racing applications.
Centric Parts, the d.b.a. of Industry-based CDW L.L.C., is a manufacturer and supplier of aftermarket brake components and systems under the Centric, StopTech, C-Tek and PosiQuiet labels.