NEPTUNE, N.J. (June 10, 2013) — A redesigned website for the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers of New Jersey (AASP/NJ) has gone live.
The website offers what the alliance called "a beautiful, easy-to-use layout" that includes news, events, benefits, legislation, membership information, consumer awareness "and all things AASP/NJ."
"We've been working on the site for some time," AASP/NJ Executive Director Charles Bryant said. "Together with our Web designers, Stormlogix, we scoured the Web for ideas and I think that our collaboration has produced one of the best association sites out there.
"We are very excited about the new and hope to have our members as well as visitors utilize the site as much as possible. It's loaded with a ton of useful information about AASP/NJ as well as our industry."
Information about the alliance's upcoming Northeast Automotive Services Show also is available on its website.