BETHESDA, Md. (May 29, 2013)—ThUniversity of the Aftermarket Foundation has doubled its support of aftermarket education in 2013, providing $110,000 in funding toward scholarships and grants handled by Automotive Aftermarket Scholarship Central.
"The primary mission of the University of the Aftermarket Foundation is to make education more readily available to qualified candidates who seek a career in the aftermarket," said Rusty Bishop, chairman of the University of the Aftermarket Foundation.
"Because of the generous support of those who have contributed to the University of the Aftermarket Foundation, we are able award more scholarships this year than ever before."
The foundation said its donation will be used to help aspiring students take the first step into the aftermarket by funding vocational school and university scholarships and also, matching grants will be funded for young technicians who have worked in the industry for at least six months.
"It is very encouraging to see the number of quality candidates who are interested in the automotive field," said John Washbish, secretary of the University of the Aftermarket Foundation. "We urge all industry organizations to consider supporting the University of the Aftermarket Foundation to help secure the future of the automotive aftermarket through education."
The foundation recently received a $100,000 donation from Dorman Products Inc., a supplier of automotive replacement parts and fasteners and service line products for the automotive and heavy vehicle aftermarkets.
To make a donation to the University of the Aftermarket Foundation, call 816-584-0511. To view available scholarships, visit