By Angie Fisher, Crain News Service
DETROIT (May 3, 2013) — "Everyone else was doing it," and "I had to go to the bathroom" extend beyond excuses used in a kindergarten classroom — they actually top the most common excuses drivers use to try to get out of a traffic ticket. surveyed 500 licensed drivers age 18 and over earlier this year to find this list of top excuses people use when getting pulled over by a police officer.
OK, show of hands: How many of these have you tried to use?
• 20.4 percent of drivers have tried: "I couldn't see the sign telling me not to do it."
• 15.6 percent: "I'm lost and unfamiliar with the roads."
• 12.4 percent: "I didn't know it was broken."
• 6.4 percent: "Everyone else was doing it."
• 5.4 percent: "I'm having an emergency situation in my car"—for instance, spilling a hot drink on your lap.
• 4.8 percent: "I missed my turn/exit."
• 4.6 percent: "I had to go to the bathroom."
• 4.2 percent: "I didn't do anything dangerous."
• 4 percent: "I was on my way to an emergency"—for example, to help someone who is ill or injured.
• 2.2 percent: "My GPS said it was the right thing to do."
• 2 percent: "I'm just helping out. I wasn't even supposed to be driving"—often used when filling in behind the wheel for a friend who is intoxicated, or otherwise indisposed.
This story appeared on the website of Autoweek magazine, a Detroit-based sister publication of Tire Business.
These are probably just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. We surmise people have been a lot more creative than this. Do you have a fave you trot out when the flashing lights are in your rearview? Send them to [email protected]. We need some fresh excuses.