HURST, Texas (Feb. 21, 2013) — The Automotive Service Association (ASA) has scheduled its 2013 annual business meeting for April 19-20 at the Hurst Convention Center.
The agenda includes an April 20 all-day open meeting of the ASA Board of Directors, scheduled from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. An open membership forum is scheduled for April 20, and all ASA members are invited to attend.
The April 20 program includes a luncheon at which Ron Pyle, ASA president and chief staff executive, will deliver a state-of-the-association address. The new ASA chairman and board members also will be sworn in at the luncheon.
Attendees are responsible for their own housing and transportation, the ASA said. Registration forms for the meeting and information about hotels will be posted soon on the ASA website.